Let the experts handle segmenting your email list.

Get a custom-tailored segmentation strategy implemented by our team (free* for a limited time.)

Are you tired of sending the same generic emails to your entire list, knowing they're only relevant to a fraction of your audience?

You're leaving money on the table. Your subscribers are diverse, with different needs, interests, and pain points. But your one-size-fits-all approach is failing to connect with them personally.

This results in lower open rates, fewer clicks, and missed opportunities to convert subscribers into customers.

You know personalization is the answer.

But to do that… you first need to personalize - and setting up a proper segmentation strategy is complex, time-consuming, and easy to get wrong.

We can help.

Imagine having a clear picture of who your subscribers are, what they're interested in, and what they need from you, allowing you to send the right messages, to the right people, at exactly the right time.

With our Done-For-You Segmentation Setup, our team of experts will help you develop your segmentation strategy and set up what you need to begin segmenting new subscribers and your existing email list.

We handle everything.

The first step is to complete a short intake survey. This helps us get an idea of who you are, what you offer, who you serve, and what you’re looking to achieve. From here, our team of experts handle the rest:

  • Designing your custom segmentation strategy

  • Implementing it in RightMessage

  • Integrating your segmentation survey with your email service provider

  • Verifying that everything works as expected

  • Documenting everything we’ve done so that you can continue to refine and expand how you segment

  • All of this is done asynchronously, without requiring any meetings or live interactions from you

Developed by the leading expert on personalized marketing.

Brennan Dunn, the Founder and CEO of RightMessage, has been living and breathing segmentation and personalization for well over a decade now. He’s helped hundreds of companies develop bespoke strategies for better understanding and profiling their audience, and then delivering fully personalized experiences.

He realized that many of the companies who wanted his help either couldn’t afford to work with him or didn’t have the time to internally develop the skillset needed to properly personalize their marketing. While he’s produced courses and a best-selling book on personalization, the overwhelming majority of companies he talked to just wanted results.

He, alongside his team at RightMessage, have developed a streamlined service that packages everything we know about how to best understand and segment your email list, and developed a repeatable system for segmenting your email list.

What’s included:

With our Done-For-You Segmentation Setup you receive:

  • A custom-designed subscriber survey that uncovers key insights about your audience

  • Expert implementation of your segmentation strategy in RightMessage

  • Seamless integration with your email service provider

  • A personalized video walkthrough explaining your new setup

  • Ongoing access to your segmentation data to inform your marketing decisions

  • Peace of mind knowing experts are handling the entire setup process

All this, implemented by our team, allowing you to focus on what you do best: running your business.

The Process:

Getting started is easy. Here's how it works:

  • 1. Fill out our pre-assessment survey. We'll evaluate if RightMessage and this service is a good fit for your business.

  • 2. We'll review your submission. If it's a good match, we'll reach out with next steps.

  • 3. Pay the consultation fee (currently discounted to $600).

  • 4. Complete our comprehensive intake survey. We'll use this to craft your custom strategy.

  • 5. Our team gets to work implementing your personalized segmentation setup.

  • 6. We send you a personal handover video

  • Note: This entire process is handled asynchronously, with no need for meetings or live calls.

  • 7. You’re now segmenting your audience and can deliver highly targeted messaging that substantially increases overall conversions

The whole process typically takes just 1-2 weeks from approval. It's all done asynchronously, fitting seamlessly into your schedule.

Why This Matters

“Is it worth segmenting your email list? And personalizing our emails and our website?”

  • Companies that personalize generate 40% more revenue (source)

  • 89% of marketers see a positive ROI when they personalize (source)

  • 66% of customers expect brands to understand their wants and needs (source)

  • 80% of consumers will share personal data in exchange for deals or offers (source)

Your audience wants more appropriate offers and content from you. To do this, you first need to segment. Our Done-For-You Service will give you the raw material you need to effectively personalize your marketing.

Real-world example:
Justin Welsh increased sales by 38% by using RightMessage to segment his audience and personalize his email marketing.

We’ve helped brands collect more than 13 million data points:

Don't just take our word for it. Our segmentation strategies have been implemented by some of the most discerning experts in the online business world, including Justin Welsh, Opes Partners, Ship 30, Forte Labs.
If it works for these industry leaders, imagine what it can do for your business.

“I now have 90,000+ data points on my customers, understand exactly what they are looking for, and how I can best serve them.
I'm booking more revenue than ever and my customers have never been happier with the products they've purchased. A total win/win.“

–Justin Welsh

Free* (for a limited time)

We’re currently charging just $600 to do this.
We’re not actually aiming to make a profit on this service. We’re doing this to help potential RightMessage customers overcome the #1 hurdle to adoption: How do we best use this tool?

With the launch of this service, what you pay is applied as a credit to your RightMessage account. This means that you’ll get $600 in RightMessage credit.

Soon we’ll be increasing both the price of this service and reducing or even removing the RightMessage credit offer. If segmentation and personalized marketing is a priority for your business, act soon.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is this only for big businesses?
A: While we work with businesses of all sizes, this service is best for established businesses with an existing email list and regular website traffic. If you're just starting out, you might want to build your audience first.
Q: Do I need to attend any meetings or calls?
A: No, our service is entirely asynchronous. We handle everything behind the scenes, allowing you to focus on your business without interruptions.
Q: How quickly will I see results?
A: You'll start gathering valuable data immediately. Depending on your traffic volume, you could have actionable insights in just a few weeks.
Q: What if I'm not technical?
A: No worries! Our done-for-you service means we handle all the technical setup. You just need to provide access to your website and email service provider.
Q: Is there a long-term contract?
A: Nope! While you need an active RightMessage subscription to use your segmentation setup, there's no long-term commitment. You can cancel anytime.
Q: How much work do I need to do after filling out the intake survey?
A: Almost none! After the intake survey, we handle everything. You can sit back and relax while we implement your custom segmentation strategy.

Ready to amplify your understanding of your audience??

Stop stressing about complex segmentation setups. Let our experts handle everything for you, so you can focus on growing your business.
Fill out the pre-assessment survey now and take the first step towards truly understanding and connecting with your audience.
Our asynchronous process means you can get expert segmentation without disrupting your daily workflow.

Don't let another day go by sending the same generic emails to your entire list. Your audience - and your bottom line - will thank you.

© RightMessage. All rights reserved.